Thomas Moebus



Tom Moebus recently joined BEST Coaches. Long an Advisor to Shift Group, a partner to BEST Coaches since 2015, and an associate of Stefan Doering since 2008, Tom developed the FastTrac entrepreneurship training program as Vice President of the SUNY Levin Institute.  That program helped over 3,500 New Yorkers start or grow entrepreneurial businesses over a period of 7 years.  Tom’s career spans over thirty years in leadership positions in universities including MIT, the University of California, Irvine, and SUNY –  heading divisions in corporate relations, program development and advancement.  In September 2022, he revisits Irvine to celebrate the 20-year Anniversary of Octane, an innovation ecosystem he co-founded with a group of tech CEOs in Orange County.  Octane has brought over $4 Billion in investment to grow 600 new businesses, and created over 20,000 jobs there, a real economic engine.  Tom also led his own firms and participated in partnerships in coaching and consulting services.

Having formally left the world of institutional leadership, Tom now enjoys helping small businesses grow and prosper, as well as creating key initiatives aimed at the future.  

Together with his BEST Coaches colleagues, he co-developed the Shift Workshop in early pandemic days to help rescue small businesses from their difficult plight.  

Also, having established strong connections in China as Founding Director of the first Confucius Institute in America, he co-established the Matteo Ricci Young Scholars program which brings high-school students in China and the US together to create a cadre of young people who learn to work in harmony on issues such as climate change.  And he has a keen interest in supporting individuals as they enter the second half of life, transition to new arenas of business and life opportunity as noble elders.  

He is much involved with public service, serving on several boards, including Mercy-by-the-Sea, a retreat and conference center, and the Shoreline Chorale, of which he is currently President.  He is a singer, guitarist, and songwriter, and very much enjoys the creative arts, blending them where possible with his work.  His coaching style blends a lifetime of listening and learning, a rich experience of grand success, occasional painful failure, and a growing wisdom of heart that comes at this stage.  He has three children, six grandchildren and a great-granddaughter, and lives with his wife in Madison, Connecticut.