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What Others Think

“I’ve tripled the revenues of my energy efficiency and renewable energy company over the last year.”
Jeff Perlman
President, Bright Power, Inc.
New York, NY

“BEST Coaches is one of the best investments I made in the early stages of the company. Each session unearthed jewels of wisdom and clarity and steered us toward more lucrative deals.”
Danielle LaPorte
Founder, Danielle LaPorte
Vancouver, BC

“As a Clinical Nutritionist for the past 10 years … I was losing $5,000/month. After my Strategy Session … and just over 90 days after starting with BEST Coaches, sales jumped to over $40,000!”
Helena Ederveen
Health Coach
City Beach, Western Australia

“The last 3 months we’ve achieved our highest months in client fees since the company started in 1990…. What’s amazing is how much fun we’re having now, too.”
Marilyn Laverty
Founder/CEO Shore Fire Media
Brooklyn, NY

“I have not only launched my business and become clearer on its vision, but in a period of one year, revenues have increased over 300%.”
Nancy Feth
Professional Coach, Trainer and Speaker
Pembroke, MA

“Being part of The 90-Day Dream Team coached by Stefan was one of the most energizing experiences of my life.”
Virginia Hubbs
Interfaith Minister
Boalsburg, PA

“I have had a steady stream of clients, interesting work, and each month my income improves…. and now have two regular writing columns, two large curriculum writing contracts pending for the Fall, and a sounder financial plan than ever….”
Sheila K. Lewis
Write Away Workshops
New York City, NY

“For the years I’ve known and worked with you, my personal and business life have soared to the heights I aspired to.”
Catherine P. Saxton
President, The Saxton Group, Ltd.
New York, NY

“I’ve created three products in less than three months and closed a $750,000 project with a new client with a single proposal and two phone calls.”
Michael A. Koenigs
Online Influencer
San Diego, CA

“What I love best from being unreasonable is having a blast, and just freakin’ doing it! These are powerful ideas I just don’t encounter in the other parts of my life.”
Curtis G. Schmitt
Non-Profit Fundraising
West Chester, PA

“Stefan Doering is an entrepreneur’s entrepreneur…. Although he has helped me increase my sales by 300%, he has actually shown me how to increase my profit by 450% and work less!”
Riccardo Mavrovich
CEO and Founder, Netsperts, Inc.
Queens, NY

“I am very pleased to report that I have an 800% increase in business with little, if no, stress at all.”
Thomas Burger
Founder, Thomas C. Burger Design Enterprises, Inc.
New York, NY

“In 2 months my website hits have quadrupled with no other marketing.”
Lynne Paris
Corporate and Personal Diversity Coach
Guildford, UK

Carrie McCarthy & Danielle LaPorte
Co-founders, Spiritual Guides
Vancouver, BC

“BOOM! (That was the sound of my business taking off when I put some of BEST Coaches’ ideas into practice.).”